Parameters of photographic practice
14 February 2001
These parameters are an incomplete list. I use them to define what I am currently doing in these terms and see what the alternatives (and combination of alternatives) would lead to. So this is a heuristic tool; a bit dry, but it may be helpful. The heuristic parses the choice space of each picture taken, demonstrating that these choices could have been otherwise.
Social situation (while taking pictures)
- Social interaction between photographer and photographed—non-involvement
- Photographer acts alone—part of group of people
- Type of photographed persons: friends—aquaintances—strangers
- Status of photographed persons: explicit contract/model—implicit 'contract'—candid photography
- Camera exposed—camera concealed
- Duration: long-term residence—quick shoot-and-leave
- Assistance by others: yes—no
- Urban—rural
- Wealthy—poor
- Indoors—outdoors
- Busy-crowded—quiet
- Private/commercial—public
- Transit areas—dwelling areas
Cultural context
- Photographer: local—alien
- Familiarity with social & cultural practices: high—non-existent
- Economic: payed commission—unpayed
- Planning: following set concept—opportunistic choices
- Involvement of photographed persons: instructed people acting—no acting, 'recording'
- Preparation: recording of predictable event—capturing non-event
- Intention regarding photographic choice: stong—none
- Attempt to capture 'right' moment—predetermined moment—random
- Degree of control: view finder control—no control
- Empty landscape—cityscape—portrait of people—situation
- Passing people (initially unaware)—static people (mostly aware)
- People look into camera—aware but don't look—people seem unaware
- Objects as sujets or with with strong symbolic connotation—non-descript
Atmospheric Situation
- Time of day
- Sunny—overcast—rain—snow
- Film speed:—(digital / analog)
- Resolution-noise: strong grain-noise—high resolution
- Aperture: high—low depth of focus
- Length of exposure: moment frozen—motion blur
- View distortion: strong—imperceptible
- Focus length / framing: tele view—fisheye view
- Focus distance: far—close
- Focus quality: sharp—blurred
- Brightness: overexposed—underexposed
- Contrast: high—low
- Lighting: available light—flash or lights set
- Rigidity of point of view: fixed—flexible
- Level of point of view: high—low
- Orientation of point of view: level—slanted
- Shot context: one shot—series of shots
- Shot intervals: short—long